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About Jackdaw E Books
Jackdaw E Books is the publishing imprint of Cumbrian writer Sue Millard: horses, history and humour in varying combinations, as hardbacks, electronic books and paperbacks, for readers 4 to 94.
It takes years to research, write, edit and produce a book. It will sell for the price of a box of chocolates. BUT! a book is better than chocolates (you never thought you'd hear me say that) because you can devour it more than once and it still won't make you fat.Buying Jackdaw books
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Fiction : Dragon Bait * Against the Odds * Scratch * Coachman * The Forthright Saga * String of Horses * Non-Fiction : Hoofprints in Eden * A Century of Fells * One Fell Swoop * Ponies with Wheels * Horses in the Garden coming soon * Fell Facts & Fell Fun * Short Stories : The Twisted Stair * Keeping On * Poetry : Ash Tree * Ruby Wedding * Galloway Gate * Samples! * Jackdaw : About the Author * Blog * News & Events * Services * For Overseas Purchasers * Links * Home